Creating Your School Profile

Your high school profile needs to be comprehensive and accurately portray the uniqueness of your school. Listed here are the crucial elements it should contain. Be sure to update your profile annually.

View a sample high school profile to see how all the pieces fit together.

Contact Information

  • List school name, address, phone and fax numbers, and website URL.
  • Include names, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of the principal and all counselors.
  • Provide directions to the school and any preferred days and times for college visits.
  • Indicate the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code.

Community and School Information

  • Include a description of the school and the community that depicts the socioeconomic and ethnic mix, information about the education level of parents, major employers, and other features of interest. Independent schools may include history, mission, and admission guidelines.
  • Provide the percentage of students who participate in low-income programs (e.g., Title I, AVID, and free or reduced lunch).
  • Include accreditation, institutional memberships, and special recognitions and honors.


  • Describe the available academic programs, special diplomas, tracks, and any nontraditional or unusual curricula.
  • List AP and honors courses.
  • Detail the enrollment policies (open or selective) for AP courses and describe AP participation (e.g., the number of students in the school and the number and percentage taking AP courses and exams).
  • List graduation requirements.

Grading and Ranking Procedures

  • Explain procedures, especially any weighting system used.
  • Include explanations for any computer codes that appear on the transcript.

Test Score Information

  • Report distribution and ranges for SAT and ACT.
  • Include other test information (e.g., AP, National Merit) of interest to colleges.

College Attendance History

  • Include the percentage of students attending two-year and four-year, in-state, and out-of-state institutions.
  • Include a listing of colleges attended by recent graduates.

Extracurricular Opportunities

  • List the sports in which students can participate.
  • List clubs and other organizations students can join.

Additional Suggestions

  • Use the preferred format: both sides of one 8 1/2" × 11" sheet of non-glossy paper. Use dark ink on light paper—many colleges scan profiles into their systems.
  • Highlight changes to any grading and ranking policies as well as any changes to the curriculum.
  • Include information or data that helps differentiate your school and programs from others.
