Fall Counselor Workshops

Sign-up for our monthly counselor newsletter so you don't miss the dates and locations of our 2025 Fall Counselor Workshops

Timely information, updates, and resources to support your work as a school counselor. Topics include: 

SAT® Suite of Assessments

AP® Program

BigFuture™® college planning

2025 Dates and Locations Coming Soon

Stay tuned for the announcement of this year's (2025) dates and locations for our in-person fall counselor workshops! While you can expect to get the latest tools and resources from our workshops, we'll be sharing the specific dates and locations later this year. 

Tailored to Your Needs

You’ll have the flexibility to choose a workshop that best suits your experience as a school counselor:

Experienced Counselors

Learn about updates on our programs so you can be well equipped to support your students with the most up to date information. 

Newer Counselors

Designed for high school counselors with 0–2 years of experience, this event will provide key information and best practices to help guide your students and their families through the college planning process. 

In-Person, Live, or On-Demand

Whether you plan to attend live or want to receive the recording to view at a later time, register for our workshops at your earliest convenience. 

Resources for Counselors

Attend our in-person Counselor Workshop to receive a bundle of resources made for counselors to support you throughout your school year or, download them below.